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Pratibha Kelapure

I walked in a deserted place.
The lights were muted,
The sounds were strange,
The shadows walked the streets,
My words were meaningless.

Tongue tied, I kept on walking
Through the changing seasons.
Slowly the shadows began to take form,
New scents wafted and began to tickle me,
My words began to create meanings.

Was I a different person?
Was I a better or worse version of myself?
Who can say? 
I simply continue to walk into
Stranger spaces, across borders.

Pratibha Kelapure writes as and when inspiration strikes her. Her encyclopedia articles appear in three different anthologies published by Greenwood Publishing. She has written book reviews for Blue Ear, a pioneering online periodical of global journalism. Her poems have been published in the literary journal Sugar Mule. From 2010-2012, she wrote under the pseudonym Maya and published twitter fiction in several e-zines including 7X20, Picfic, and One Forty Fiction. One of her stories is published in an anthology of twitter fiction. One of her flash fiction piece was a runner-up in 1000Words flash fiction contest.

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